Thursday 12 September 2013

Life in Halifax #10 - Introduction to clerkship

Class started and class ended. In just 3 weeks of introduction to clerkship, I feel that I have experienced a lot new things. For sure, one of them is meeting new people, the locals! I have to admit that I'm not good in making new friends=( However, a lot of them have made me feel so warm and welcome, especially D, who offer me a ride, S who walked back with me, J and R who took initiative to talk to us and some others friendly classmates. Thank you very much, sometimes things that people do subconsciously just matter so much to me. 

I am amazed by my new classmates who are married and some of them even have children, yet they are still studying hard in medical schools to be a doctor. I guess they must be having a very good attitude or thoughts towards learning to achieve their dreams. I want to learn their passions towards medicine from them.

Gambateh in psychiatry rotations!!! =)) 

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