Saturday 18 May 2013

It's someone's birthday today=)

I woke up at 8.30am and waited for 4 and a half hour to send out a simple birthday video for my dearest friend. This is a very special friend. I always see something different in her. She is always so real and so simple, I guess everyone feels very comfortable hanging around with her. Not to mention her support towards me every second in my life and the happiness she has brought to me. 

Thank you very much, my dear! 

Happy birthday to you. =)

This is the song I used in the video. It's a wonderful song, Forever Friends. 
Hope everyone of you has found someone who we can spend time with, laugh together or even cry together.

p/s: A tutor said I'm too quiet. Maybe next time I should be more outspoken? 
      Jia you!! =))

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